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The Role of Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence) in Education

Technology (Artificial IntelligenceAI or artificial intelligence experienced massive development from year to year. His presence with New features, functions, and appearance increasingly impact many aspects human life is no exception in education (Luger and Stubblefield, 1993). Artificial intelligence is starting to play a role in learning activities in schools and universities (Mulianingsih et al. 2020). artificial intelligence become a primary part in the growth and development of educational technology. This is certain provide explicit implications for human working life in the future front.

If we Talking about educational technology, we must be fair said that this technology was not yet fully used in learning. In today’s increasingly competitive era, there are still educational institutions that have not implemented technology in teaching and learning activities. Well, school In the current era, we must take advantage of the birth of technologies that make things easier work of teachers or students (Tjahyanti, et al. 2022). schools can take advantage applications or media that can automate tasks such as delivering feedback, selecting appropriate learning materials, and aligning curriculum to student needs.

Understanding Artificial intelligence

Intelligence technology artificial (Artificial IntelligenceAI  continues to be developed by experts so that it can develop rapidly.H. A. Simon claims that artificial intelligence (AI) is a field that enables computers to do tasks that are superior to humans. Knight and Rich agree with Simon that artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that looks at effort building computers as something that humans can do, and even more better than that.

The creation of intelligence artificial (Artificial Intelligence) aims include:

  1. It is expected that AI will be used to create software or robots that can help humans in daily routine.
  2. It is estimated that the presence of AI will making machines smarter than ever.
  3. It is hoped that it will really help humans in solving complex problems, such as through development Smart calculator calculates fast.

Humans can feel Artificial intelligence also has various benefits, such as:

  1. AI is impartial, regardless its users. Without taking into account any factors, judgments have been made is right.
  2. AI is immutable and not can be changed. It can be used repeatedly. Disadvantages of adopting AI including the fact that although it will work tirelessly and continuously, the system will not be able to absorb input that deviates from what it has programmed.


Learning Independent

Each person Parents need to do a screening of each person’s interests and talents child. We know that every child has special qualities. if skills the work that parents want is taught at a young age, children can continue to develop it during their study period at school. one of skills that can be taught from an early age are control and monitoring towards their own learning. this is also known as independent learning (Zimmerman, 1990). a system that enables students to proactively transform mental abilities into academic skills through thoughts, feelings, and actions that help them achieve their goals.

Student or students who can self-regulate their learning in this way. House and the school through parents and teachers facilitates well for navigating the faster pace of life in the era of artificial intelligence. student can understand and manage their limitations during learning. that fact what happens in the field can be said to be different. althoughIndependent study skills yield academic benefits (Zimmerman, 1990), there are still many children who are not given enough opportunities in school to explore and practice these skills with support their teacher. when children use digital learning applications informal, for example the application YoutubeInstagram or Tiktok, they probably have too much freedom, that is resulting in unproductive learning. it can be said, school is still favors formal educational technology such as e-books and animated videos.

We’re back faced with the question of whether our children are capable of controlling and navigate yourself with artificial intelligence. by choosing artificial intelligence, certainly provides a large portion of control in learning. kids will get used to things automatically thereby suppressing opportunities for them to develop independent learning skills. So, it’s important for parents and teachers in providing, supervising and evaluating children in order organize learning systems and use educational technology wisely and effective.

Liaison Between Students and Teachers

There is bias when children develop independent learning skills and when children utilize educational technology. Self-centered learning freedom for students to explore and process information. As for learning that utilize digital tools, raises the question, “Who is the guarantor answer?” “Is it the student, the teacher, or the digital tool itself?”. Tool digital education collects a lot of data about learning, and artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence) can use this information to gain a deeper understanding about the learning process.

Then, what artificial intelligence data and algorithms (Artificial Intelligence) can be used to empower students and teachers? Of course to achieve this, students and teachers need stronger skills to make maximum use of artificial intelligence support (Artificial Intelligence).

First, students and teachers must be able to adapt to new situations and tasks, because they change social media is increasingly happening in the era of artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence). More and more digital tools will be brought in to the classroom, and teachers and students need to collaborate as they search how to use it effectively.

Second, students and teachers need to collaborate productively and skillfully with humans and artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence). When students work with technology in groups, positive social interactions and organizational skills such as planning and monitoring is the key to learning(Isohätälä, 2020).

Third, according to Zulkifli (2006) studentsneed socio-emotional supportFor overcome challenging problems. Here the important role of parents and families in providing that support to help students understand and manage their own emotional state and motivation. No less important, students need to  createsmall scale adaptation in order to realize real progress (Sobocinski, et al. 2022). For example, they can take initiative, setting goals, and self-monitoring while working with other people and with artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence). All these skills and competencies are very important for giving freedom to students and teachers.

 Application of AI in Learning Activities

            There are two approaches that can be applied to apply artificial intelligence (AI) in educational environment. First, the transfer of teacher duties to the AI system, which acts as a tutor for every student. There is smart technology that adapts content to each person learner is already widely used in many classrooms, in the form of intelligent tutor system (Moleenar, 2021). Role alternative AI is to add human intelligence and helps humans in carrying out learning activities effective and efficient.

There is various things that can be done to apply  AI in activities learning. As time goes by, demands are placed on all fields including education to adapt and collaborate to solve problems.

  1. Mentor Virtual

The now universal internet was created as a means to disseminate information, knowledge and thoughts on various topics. Wrong one program that runs alongside The Lab System, which operates more as a multimedia environment with integrated eLearning, is Virtual Mentors. According to the Journal of Computer Information Systems paper, virtual mentors feature more useful than regular classroom instruction (Zhang, 2004).

If Learning by Asking (LBA), also known as interaction learning, is not used, interaction learning will not occur. There will be two main components when using this LBA (Video Streaming Server and Web Server). Video processing original by these two components will result in the generation of questions that Later it will become one of the data questions that can be asked later recalled and developed depending on the intensity of the question appears and the processed video changes. Availability of virtual mentors such as LBA makes contacts more efficient from a managerial perspective and finance.

  1. Voice Assistant

Users can learn without having to read thanks to the voice assistant feature, a substitute voice. Reading information activating voice assistants will be different from human cognitive processes such as absorbing information from sound. Voice Assistant explained in one example as a tool for understanding the teacher’s point of view. This essay discusses how teachers view the integration of voice assistant technology in class, which will provide insight into classroom settings in the past front (Jean-Charles, 2018). Voice Assistant is currently being developed for used in various technological devices. In the classroom, this feature speed up students’ search for additional materials. The presence of voice assistant also makes it possible allows students to get transparent and accurate information.

  1. Smart Content

An application called Smart Content offers data such as weather reports, latest news, alarms and stock market trading reports. This function provides the latest reading material from newly released books as well as information seekers in accordance with the learning needs covered in field of education. This capability is available in applications such as Cram101, which divide digital textbooks into chapters. This will make it easier readers—in this case students, namely to dig up the information they are looking for.

  1. Presentation Translator

Presentation Translator or Presentation translators are useful for explaining or presenting a text from a different language into another language desired. Users only need to listen to various kinds of speech texts, articles, or digital books without needing to read and translate one one by one. This technology allows users to listen to speech or sentences foreign language into their mother tongue.

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