A Beginner’s Guide To Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with machines. In the second half of the 20th century, artificial intelligence was considered any work performed by machines that did not require human intelligence to complete certain tasks. This definition is attributed to Minsky and McCarthy, the fathers of artificial intelligence.

The current definition is the ability of a computer-controlled robot to solve problems that require human intelligence and skills, namely the ability to reason, generalize, and determine data.

Types of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence can be divided into two categories: narrow artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence in the strict sense is usually considered weak. It is task oriented. General AI is considered powerful. Unlike Narrow AI, it can perform a variety of tasks.

Narrow Artificial Intelligence

This can be seen on the computers we use. This type artificial intelligence Usually focuses on one task that can be done well. Examples include virtual assistants that recognize voice and language, and cars that can drive autonomously. This type of artificial intelligence can only complete the specified tasks taught to them, but cannot do much more.

Responding to customer questions and concerns is a common form of narrow artificial intelligence. It works together with other artificial intelligence to complete hotel reservation tasks, help radiologists find tumors through X-rays that may be dangerous, detect elevator failures, and prepare three-dimensional models of the world and much more. It can only perform tasks taught to them, unlike humans, this is one of its biggest shortcomings.

General artificial intelligence

This type of artificial intelligence can be found in more sophisticated systems. It can complete many tasks that humans can complete, and uses human-like intelligence to solve a variety of problems, from simple tasks (such as clipping nails, cutting hair, and watering plants) to high-skill tasks (such as performing based on collected data). reasoning). Western film themes are heavily influenced by artificial intelligence in general.

Data scientists believe that by 2040-2050, general artificial intelligence will improve greatly, and by 2075 it will be the future of this universe and will dominate the entire world including humans. This would also be a threat to the human species.

Artificial intelligence is generally considered to surpass human cognitive performance in the virtual field. However, many scientists have different opinions about this.Many scientists think General artificial intelligence is far from being the future of the world. Pioneers of general artificial intelligence, such as Demis Hassabis, Geoffrey Hinton, and Yann LeCun, also share this view. They believe that there is no concrete basis for fears that the human species will be threatened by general artificial intelligence in the near future.

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