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What is an HMO Insurance Plan? – in 2023 Full Details


Health insurance plays a vital role in protecting individuals and families against the high costs of medical care. With healthcare costs continuing to rise year after year, having health coverage provides financial security and peace of mind. One of the most common types of health plans is an HMO, or health maintenance organization. HMOs are a managed care health insurance plan that provides comprehensive coverage by requiring members to seek care from a network of contracted healthcare providers and facilities. This introductory guide will explain what an HMO is, how it works, the pros and cons, and help you determine if enrolling in an HMO is the right choice for your healthcare needs.

What is an HMO?

An HMO, or health maintenance organization, is a type of managed care health insurance plan that provides members with comprehensive medical coverage. HMO members get access to a network of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers that have contracted with the HMO insurance company.

Some key features of HMO plans include:

  • Network of providers: HMOs require members to get care from in-network doctors and facilities. The HMO has contracts with these providers to deliver care to plan members.
  • Primary care physician: Members must select an in-network primary care physician (PCP) who oversees their care and refers them to specialists.
  • Preauthorization: The PCP must provide a referral for members to see specialists and preauthorize any services before they are rendered.
  • No out-of-network coverage: With limited exceptions, HMOs do not cover any care received out-of-network unless it’s an emergency.
  • Copays: Members pay a fixed copay amount for services like doctor visits, instead of coinsurance percentages.
  • No claim forms: Members do not have to submit claim forms for reimbursement. Network providers handle claims paperwork.
  • Preventive care: HMOs fully cover certain preventive services like immunizations, screenings, and annual check-ups.

HMOs aim to reduce unnecessary healthcare utilization and costs by requiring members to get care within the plan’s network of providers. The tradeoff is less choice and flexibility to see out-of-network doctors without high costs.

How HMOs Work

HMOs provide coordinated medical care by contracting with providers and managing all covered healthcare services. Here is an overview of how HMOs work:

Selecting a Primary Care Physician

Upon enrolling in an HMO, members must select an in-network primary care physician (PCP) to oversee their care. This doctor acts as a healthcare quarterback, providing preventive care and routine care for health issues. PCPs can be general practitioners, internists, family medicine doctors, pediatricians, OBGYNs, or other specialists.

Referrals to See Specialists

When the PCP decides specialized care is needed, they provide a referral to direct patients to in-network specialists, such as cardiologists, dermatologists, orthopedists, and more. The referral requirement ensures the PCP coordinates the member’s overall care.

Preauthorization for Services

For hospitalizations, surgeries, procedures, durable medical equipment, and other services, the PCP must obtain preauthorization from the HMO to confirm the plan will cover it. Preauthorization is not required for emergency care.

Paying Copays for Services

Instead of coinsurance percentages like other plan types, HMO members pay pre-defined copay amounts for medical services. A typical doctor visit copay is $20-50, while emergency room visits may cost $200-500 or more.

Filing Claims

One perk of HMOs is that members do not have to file insurance claims after receiving medical care. Network providers handle submitting claims directly to the health plan for reimbursement.

Care Outside the Network

HMOs do not cover non-emergency care obtained outside the contracted network unless approved in advance through the referral process. Members who see out-of-network providers will pay the full cost.

This coordinated system aims to improve health outcomes and control costs by managing utilization of services. Tradeoffs include less provider choice and limited out-of-network coverage.

Pros and Cons of HMO Plans

HMO plans have advantages and disadvantages compared to other major medical insurance options like PPOs and POS plans. Here is an overview of the main pros and cons:


  • Low premiums: HMOs tend to have lower monthly premiums than PPO plans.
  • No claim forms: Members don’t have to file insurance paperwork for reimbursement.
  • Little to no deductible: Many HMOs have no deductible or very low deductibles.
  • Copays for services: Predictable copays for doctor visits, drugs, etc. rather than coinsurance.
  • Lower out-of-pocket costs: HMOs limit out-of-pocket spending, excluding premiums.
  • Preventive care covered: Checkups, immunizations, cancer screenings, and other preventive services are fully covered.
  • Coordinated care: PCP oversight improves coordination and continuity of care.


  • Limited provider choice: Members must use in-network doctors and facilities or pay the full cost out-of-network.
  • Referrals required to see specialists: PCP referrals are required for specialist visits.
  • Preauthorization for services: Preapproval is required for certain services before they will be covered.
  • No out-of-network coverage: Members will pay out-of-pocket for any non-emergency care out-of-network.
  • Access problems: It may be difficult to get appointments with in-demand specialists.
  • Service area restrictions: HMO coverage is generally limited to a local service or regional area.

When weighing the pros and cons, individuals who don’t mind provider restrictions may find HMOs worth it for the lower costs and coordinated care.

HMO Plan Costs and Coverage Details

HMO plans balance comprehensive medical coverage with tools to control costs for insurance companies. Here are some details on what is typically covered and the associated member costs:

  • Monthly premiums: Premiums are paid to maintain coverage each month. Premiums are lower on average compared to PPOs.
  • Annual deductible: Many HMOs have no deductible or very low deductibles like $500 or less per person. The deductible must be paid before coverage kicks in.
  • Copays: Set dollar amounts for doctor office visits, prescriptions, emergency room visits, etc. Copays don’t apply toward the deductible but apply to the out-of-pocket maximum.
  • Coinsurance: Some HMOs have coinsurance of 10-30% for services after the deductible is met. Coinsurance applies to the out-of-pocket limit.
  • Out-of-pocket maximum: This caps the total amount members pay annually for covered care including the deductible, copays, and coinsurance. Common limits are $3,000-$8,000 per person.
  • Preventive care: Annual physicals, immunizations, cancer screenings, and other preventive care are fully covered by the plan without cost-sharing.
  • Prescription drugs: Tiered copays for generic, preferred, and non-preferred drugs. Some plans have combined medical and prescription out-of-pocket limits.
  • Vision and dental: Some HMOs include free or discounted vision and dental benefits. Most offer these as optional add-ons for extra premiums.

Always check the plan’s summary of benefits and coverage document to understand the costs and coverage details before enrolling.

Types of HMO Plans

There are a few different types of HMO plans to know about:

  • HMO: The traditional HMO model with a designated PCP, referrals required for specialist visits, and an in-network provider network.
  • Open access HMO: Allows members to self-refer to network specialists without a PCP referral. More flexible but still limited to the HMO network.
  • Point of service (POS) plan: A hybrid offering an HMO network plus some out-of-network coverage. Members pay more to see providers outside the network.
  • Exclusive provider organization (EPO): Similar to an HMO but generally with no out-of-network coverage. Differs from HMOs on technical aspects to do with how providers are paid.
  • HMO-POS: Combines features of an HMO and PPO. Members have a PCP and network like an HMO but can choose to use out-of-network providers for higher costs like a PPO. Provides the flexibility of both models.

When examining plan choices, pay attention to the provider network, need for referrals, and out-of-network coverage options to understand the limitations or flexibility of the plan design.

Who Should Consider an HMO?

HMOs appeal to certain individuals depending on factors like health status, priorities, budget, and geographic location. Here are some examples of who may benefit from an HMO:

  • Healthy individuals who require limited healthcare services and want to minimize premiums
  • Individuals wanting coordinated primary and preventive care
  • Those who don’t mind network restrictions to get lower costs
  • People living in areas with extensive HMO provider networks
  • Lower-income households who want comprehensive coverage but have limited budgets
  • Families who prefer copays over coinsurance for predictable costs
  • Employees purchasing coverage through an employer that offers an HMO plan option
  • Individuals and families without expensive ongoing medical needs or conditions

The limitations may be acceptable tradeoffs for the lower costs and coordinated care model for some consumers. But people with more complex health needs may find an HMO too restrictive.

Finding HMO Plans

There are a few places to shop for HMO plans:

  • Employer plan options: Employers often offer HMO plans alongside other plan types like PPOs and HDHPs.
  • Health insurance marketplace: The federal and state-based ACA exchanges sell HMO plans from participating insurers. Subsidies may be available based on income.
  • Insurer websites: Major health insurers like UnitedHealthcare, Cigna, and Humana offer HMO plans for individuals and families to enroll in directly.
  • Insurance agents and brokers: Independent agents and brokers can help compare HMO plan options across multiple insurance carriers.

When evaluating HMO plans, look closely at the provider network, service area, need for referrals, and costs like premiums, deductibles, copays, and coinsurance to find the right fit.

HMO Enrollment and Changing Plans

Consumers generally must enroll in or switch HMO plans once per year during open enrollment periods. Here’s what to know:

  • Employer open enrollment: Employees can select from available employer health plan options annually during open enrollment.
  • ACA open enrollment: Consumers can enroll in or change marketplace exchange plans each year during the fall open enrollment period.
  • Special enrollment periods: These allow enrollment outside of open enrollment due to qualifying life events like losing other coverage, moving, having a baby, etc.
  • Locked in for one year: Members are generally stuck with their selected HMO plan for the entire plan year until the next open enrollment.
  • Leaving the plan: Members can leave an HMO during open enrollment or special enrollment periods. Plans are not required to be renewed each year.

Review the plan details carefully when enrolling to ensure it will meet your needs for the coming year. Know the deadlines to change plans if your needs change.


HMO and PPO plans are two of the most common insurance options. Here is an overview of how they differ:

  • Network: HMOs have smaller networks than PPOs and only cover in-network care. PPOs have broader networks and provide out-of-network coverage.
  • Primary care physician: HMOs require members to have a PCP to coordinate care. PPOs allow members see any network doctor they choose.
  • Referrals: PCP referrals are needed to see specialists in an HMO. PPO members can self-refer to network specialists.
  • Preauthorization: HMO providers must obtain approval for many services before they are rendered. This step is not required in a PPO.
  • Healthcare costs: HMOs have lower premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance. PPOs have higher cost-sharing overall.
  • Choice and flexibility: PPOs offer more choice in providers and less restrictions. HMOs trade flexibility for lower costs.

In summary, PPOs offer more

Finding Quality HMO Providers

Choosing an HMO plan means your access to doctors and hospitals is limited to those in the plan’s network. Doing your homework is important to find an HMO with a robust network that includes providers you trust.

Look at the HMO provider directory to see if your current doctors participate. Search for specialist physicians you may require as well given any pre-existing conditions. Confirm the top-rated hospitals in your area accept the HMO’s coverage. While choice is restricted, you want to ensure quality providers are accessible.

Understanding Prior Authorizations

HMOs require your primary care doctor and specialists to obtain prior authorization for many services in order for them to be covered by the health plan. This means extra administrative steps to get approval for hospital admissions, surgeries, durable medical equipment, advanced imaging tests, physical therapy, and more potentially.

While cumbersome, it helps prevent unnecessary procedures and ensures clinical appropriateness. You also won’t be stuck with surprise medical bills for unauthorized services. But it requires coordination between you, your doctors, and the HMO. Learn the prior authorization protocols so this pre-approval process goes smoothly.

Using Telehealth Services with your HMO

Many HMOs now cover telehealth visits with network doctors by phone or video chat. This convenient option allows you to address many common illnesses without taking time off work to go into the doctor’s office.

Check if your HMO plan includes telehealth benefits to connect virtually with primary care doctors and specialists. Telehealth expands access to care and can be used for medication refills, lab test orders, chronic disease management, and more. Leverage these services to save time and trips to the doctor.

Appealing Denied HMO Claims or Services

There may be times when your HMO denies coverage for medical services, drugs, procedures, or hospital stays. This can occur if your provider fails to get preauthorization or provides care deemed not medically necessary by your health plan.

If your HMO denies coverage for services already received, you have the right to appeal the decision by providing additional medical documentation, with support from your doctors. Learn your plan’s appeals process and advocate for yourself to potentially get denied HMO claims or services covered after the fact.

Understanding HMO Referral Rules

Your primary care doctor is the gatekeeper for access to specialists in an HMO plan. Except for OB/GYN visits and urgent care, you’ll need a referral from your PCP before the HMO will cover a specialist visit.

Referrals are also required for procedures like imaging scans, sleep studies, and physical therapy. Confirm the referral protocols with your PCP’s office to avoid surprise claim denials. Ask whether referrals need to be requested in advance or if they can be obtained retroactively if urgent issues arise. Know the duration for referrals – some last 30 days or the entire plan year.

Using Urgent Care with your HMO

Most HMOs allow members to visit in-network urgent care centers for acute illnesses or injuries that require prompt attention when your PCP is unavailable. This provides greater convenience than emergency room visits for non-life-threatening conditions.

Your HMO plan likely requires a copay for urgent care visits, often around $50. Verify that the urgent care center participates in your plan’s provider network or services may not be covered. Urgent care is a good option for situations like flu symptoms, sprains, cuts needing stitches, and other conditions requiring timely treatment.

Comparing HMO Prescription Drug Coverage

Prescription drug coverage varies widely between HMO plans when it comes to covered medications, formulary tiers, and pharmacy networks. Those with chronic conditions and frequent prescriptions should study the drug coverage closely before selecting an HMO.

Look up the plan’s formulary to ensure your medications are included and what tier they fall under. This determines your copay or coinsurance amount. Check if your local pharmacy is in-network to avoid higher costs. Analyzing the prescription differences can prevent surprises in drug costs.

Understanding Your HMO Service Area

Most HMOs only provide coverage within a defined geographic service area such as specific counties or states. Emergency care is covered nationwide, but routine care generally is not.

Know your HMO’s service area boundaries and location restrictions to avoid coverage gaps. This is especially important for those who travel regularly or have dual residences. You may need separate insurance policies to have nationwide coverage or get non-emergency care outside your HMO service territory.

Adding Your Dependents to your HMO

If you enroll in an individual or family HMO plan, you typically can add eligible dependents like your spouse, domestic partner, and children up to age 26. This gives them access to the same HMO benefits and provider network.

New dependents can be added outside of open enrollment after certain qualifying life events like marriage, birth of a child, adoption, etc. Report major family status changes promptly to your HMO plan administrator and request details on submitting any required paperwork to activate their coverage.


HMO plans require some due diligence and understanding from members to navigate their systems of provider networks, primary care physicians, referrals, and prior authorizations. While frustrating at times, these structures aim to provide coordinated, quality care while controlling costs. HMOs appeal most to healthier individuals looking for comprehensive medical benefits on a budget.

When evaluating an HMO plan, start by looking at the provider network. Having access to top-quality doctors and hospitals is vital, even if choice is limited. Check the directory to ensure your current physicians participate and see what specialists are available. Look for urgent care centers and lab facilities in convenient locations. While your options are restricted, you want confidence you can get care from reputable providers.

Next, understand how referrals work to see specialists and the prior authorization process required before certain services are rendered. This administrative paperwork can be annoying, but it prevents uncovered services that lead to unexpected medical bills. Have open conversations with your PCP about coordinating referrals and preauthorizations to avoid claim denials.

Also be clear on prescription drug coverage – the specific medications on the formulary, tiered cost structure, and in-network pharmacies. Those with ongoing prescriptions need to carefully evaluate drug benefits when selecting an HMO. Look into telehealth services, which provide easy access to doctors by phone or video.

For families, check if pediatricians, OB/GYNs and specialists for any chronic conditions are in-network. Confirm coverage for dependents and newborns. Be aware of referral and authorization requirements for kids too. Ensure pediatric urgent care is available after hours.

Geographic coverage matters as well. HMOs operate regionally, so understand the service area boundaries. This is especially key for snowbirds or those who travel extensively. Make sure nearby urgent care centers are available when traveling inside the coverage zone.

While restrictive, a quality HMO plan can provide robust coverage for lower premiums. But make sure to run the numbers on total potential costs – premiums, deductibles, copays for frequent services, prescription costs, and the maximum out-of-pocket limit. Understanding the full picture will tell you if the savings are worthwhile.

For those with complex health conditions requiring regular specialty care, an HMO may prove too limiting. The administrative hassles could hinder accessing the right providers at the right time. Those who want flexibility to see any doctor or hospital without restrictions may find a PPO plan better meets their needs despite the higher costs.

In the end, evaluating an HMO plan requires asking some key questions:

  • Is the provider network robust enough given my healthcare needs?
  • Are my current doctors in-network and accepting new patients?
  • Does the prescription formulary include all my required medications?
  • Are my total potential costs affordable if I hit the out-of-pocket maximum?
  • Does the hassle of referrals and authorizations outweigh the premium savings?
  • Could I potentially delay needed care because of red tape?
  • Could an unexpected illness or injury exceed my ability to cover out-of-network costs?

Carefully weighing factors like provider choice limitations and referrals against lower premiums and copays can clarify if an HMO plan aligns with your healthcare priorities. For many individuals and families, the savings outweigh the administrative hurdles. But those with higher utilization needs may benefit from the open access of a PPO despite the higher per-visit costs.

Whichever route you choose, utilize in-network preventive care and manage any conditions diligently to stay healthy. Ask questions to understand how your doctors will coordinate your care plan. Be proactive about referrals and authorizations so you don’t get stuck with uncovered expenses. Learn how to appeal if claims are denied improperly. Seek assistance from your plan’s member services if you have trouble getting approvals for needed treatment.

With upfront knowledge and proactive communication, an HMO can provide quality care coordination along with financial protection from high medical costs. But the diligence required is not for everyone. Take time to weigh all factors impacting your experience, health, and wallet to decide if an HMO plan aligns with your needs and priorities.

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